Homeopathic First Aid.
I was recently reminded by a neighbour, who has just returned from a tramping and kayaking trip, how wonderful homeopathic remedies are for First Aid use. She told me that while away she was ‘camp homeopath’ using homeopathic remedies everyday for herself and her travelling companions. She told me that she tells anyone and everyone about how effective they are.
There are a the myriad of problems associated with the great outdoors- sunburn, fire burns, stings, bites, over exertion, bruising, strains and sprains – the list goes on. She reminded me of my kayaking trip to the Abel Tasman Park 2 years ago. We kayaked for 5 days solid. I had never kayaked in my life before and with the use of Arnica I can say, with some amazement that I suffered NO ill effects – tired but no strained muscles or bruising!!
I decided that I should pass the information I gave my neighbour onto readers and hope that you and you family might benefit from this information too. I will cover the main homeopathic ‘First Aid’ remedies and their use.
Some of the following First Aid remedies are best used in a cream form and some internally.
- For internal – use remedies can be purchased in liquid form (take 3-4 drops per dose or as directed), in tablet form or in pillule form (small pills take 1-2 pillules per dose).
- For external (topical) – use remedies can be purchased in lotions, creams and tinctures.
Potency and repetition
The most important thing to remember is to match the symptoms of the injured person with the symptoms of the remedy (the remedy picture). Give 1 dose of the remedy in the strength (potency) you have available and repeat the remedy if the symptoms start to return again. Once improvement is evident you do not need to repeat the remedy further. In very acute situations you may need to repeat the remedy every 10 minutes.
If symptoms have not improved after the first dose then repeat the remedy for 3 doses before consult a professional homeopath as another remedy would be indicated or a different remedy strength or dosage regime.
I have given you a suggested remedy strength below where internal use is indicated. BUT the main thing to remember is to give the remedy in whatever strength you have. You should consult your homeopath or homeopathic pharmacy when putting your First Aid kit together.
If you can find an emotional symptom e.g. irritable and a physical symptom e.g. better for movement, worse with the least touch this can be very useful combination to finding the right remedy.
Homeopathic remedies are a wonderful adjunct to conventional First Aid. The use of homeopathic remedies have been found to support recovery from many injuries. The usual checks need to be undertaken to ensure there is no internal bleeding or fractures and so on and remember RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Remedies will not interfere with conventional medication.